Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hello to All!
My name is Audra Henry. Currently, I reside in Spring Lake N.C. Learning has always
been a passion of mine, for which I continually pursue in order to gain a wealth of knowledge
and wisdom to reach those who are assigned to my life. I resumed this passion since we moved backed to North Carolina after Hurricane Katrina. I am the proud wife and mother of three children. The assignment of my family has been a blessing, challenging and fulfilling!  I am learning more about the grace of God. My oldest son is a senior at NC A&T, my middle son is a sophomore at Greensboro College and  my baby girl is a senior at the high school where I
am employed. My husband and I have served in ministry together for the last 10 years. We are
growing in faith together every day.. To say the least!
Leadership in Educational Technology course is the last class of my Master degree in Teaching and Learning- Leadership. My expectation is that this course will enhance my ability to bridge the learning gap between generations in the academic setting with the enhancement of technology.  Presently, I serve as the Career Development Coordinator. This position allows me to assist students with experiencing real life applications of the world of work through job shadowing, career exploration, career development, and student services. Prior to this position, I earnestly fulfilled 6 years of teaching in Business Education classes with 2 years as the Special Populations Coordinator. While working with students, I’m eager to be the difference in their lives.  The scripture that relates to my current job is Proverbs 11:14 says,”Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety.” (KJV).  My personal view is that as school leaders, we are as shepherds of the flock, providing gentle yet effective guidance for the our students and colleges within the school.

If someone famous was to play my role in a movie, it would be Dawn-Lyen Gardner as she plays Queen Sugar’s Charley Bordelon West. Dawn-Lyen adjusts with her life roles as they come. From an unexpected death of her father to a shocking divorce all the while keeping her strength as a leader. Her thrive to  “keep-it-altogether” is how I see my daily endeavors. However, I will not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name!

I look forward to our journey through this course!


  1. When reading your post i feel that we have a lot in common. I also have 3 children. I have two boys, one who is at UGA in law school and the other that is a sophomore at UGA. I have one daughter who is a junior in high school. I am also working on my Master's in leadership, but i will have 3 more classes to go after Christmas. I have been teaching for 35 years and I am still learning. God bless you and your family.

    allen lowe

  2. Hello Audry,
    Congratulations on all your accomplishments! I am so proud of you! I could only imagine the loss you endured from Hurricane Katrina. You have persevered indeed. That is awesome that you children are studying beside you.
    The first time I met a Career Development Coordinator was about 5 years ago while I visited a school to tell the students about the Air Force. I was a little shocked at how the Coordinator spoke to the children. I felt as though he was not serious and thought to myself that this position is vital and give hope to these kids who may not have come from a career driven background. It broke my heart and I said to myself that if I were to ever get a job like this, I would do everything in my power to encourage these kids to rise above their circumstances and know that they can be better if they choose to.
    I am sure that you are dedicated and minister to the future of society. I would agree that the scripture fits your job. Do you ever have kids taking your advice even though they do not want to and come back to thank you that they yielded to your instruction and are successful? I am sure you feel intrinsically satisfied and pleased that you have served as that Counsel.
    I have never heard of that movie and I might just consider it. I do look forward to learning with and from you during this class. I also look forward to reading more of your blogs. Wishing you all the best as you close in on your education goal.
